Friday 27 May 2016

Captain Disaster and the Fortunately Friendly Frankly Fun Forum Feedback

Had a couple of nice comments about the recently released voice edition of Captain Disaster in Death Has A Million Stomping Boots:

"GREAT game which kept a smile on my face the whole while playing!" (Mandle, AGS forum)

"Thank you SO much for this cute little, fun game." (sanford, GameBoomers forum)

Er, wait... cute?!?!? :-D :-O

If you've played the game and are an AGS forum member, I'd really appreciate if it you would give the game your honest rating on the AGS Game Page - there are still fewer than 5 ratings in total, meaning that no overall rating can be given!  (I admit I'm not expecting high marks for the graphics!)

Thursday 26 May 2016

Audiobooks coming...

... a very long time ago someone did actually create audiobooks of the Captain Disaster short stories - not sure quite what happened to them but anyway I've decided to do them myself.  They'll be available along with the eBook when I've done them - will of course announce them here as I complete each episode and make them available.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Captain Disaster Collection eBook released on

I've just released an eBook on on a "Pay What You Want, If You Want" basis (also with options to donate cryptocurrency if you want).  Here's the link.  If you want to download it for free, that's absolutely fine too.

Anything kindly donated will, currently, immediately go towards trying to pay off some of my growing debts.  But seriously, only donate if you really want to!

Friday 20 May 2016

Dev Blog Milestone

Hey just noticed that the Dev Blog has gone past fifty thousand views!  Nice.

Thursday 19 May 2016

It's here...

... yes indeed folks, Captain Disaster in The Dark Side of the Moon - TALKIE VERSION has been released with 1000000000% more voices than the version that had no voices.  You can download if from GameJolt (54Mb).

(Just make sure you download the "TALKIE VERSION" which is cunningly titled "TALKIE VERSION".)

Monday 9 May 2016

Aaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!! So near and yet...

  • Voiced every line?  Check
  • Edited into individual lines to go into the game?  Check
  • Realised that there was a clever bit of coding to put some random speech lines which weren't picked up by the AGS voice script creation tool?  ... ... ... nah.

Rats.  But, it won't take me too long to sort out, just need to record a smattering of extra lines for 2 characters and code a little extra thingumee to deal with playing the audio as SFX not as speech.  Update soon! :-D

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Dark Side talkie version and GP giveaway

Okay folks just to let you know that I have now completed the voicing, just have a bit of file management to do and get someone to do a quick spot of testing and we'll be good to go.

In conjunction with this I'll be running a GoldPieces giveaway, to be able to get your free cryptocurrency you'll need to register at (as they'll be handling the technical side of the giveaway) and download the GP wallet.  Then you will need to put your GP wallet address into playforcrypto.  (It sounds a little convoluted I know, but once you're used to cryptocurrencies in general, it will all be second nature!)