Sunday 24 February 2013

Wow, time goes so fast...

It really does fly when you're having fun - or hard at work making an adventure game!!  It suddenly occurred to me today that this was the 6-month anniversary of releasing the demo for Captain Disaster in Death Has a Million Stomping Boots.  I would be lying if I said the game's production was as far on now as I'd hoped - we've had several problems with needing to replace team members - but for the last couple of months, development has been progressing very nicely and we're getting pretty close to a fully playable Act I of the game.  

If you haven't played the demo yet, you can download it here.

I'll be posting news soon about the voice talent working on the game, too - for the demo just Rob and myself did all the voices, but I don't think we could carry the whole game (and certainly not the female voices, though Rob's digitally altered voice for the feminine-sounding hand scanner was pretty eerie!) - some talented folk are lending their sonic uniqueness to the game.  Things are looking good for the game to be ready for release towards the end of this year, but it's still going to be a pretty tough haul to reach that goal.

Friday 15 February 2013


We've hit another small landmark - 750 downloads of the demo for Captain Disaster in Death Has a Million Stomping Boots over at the AGS website

In other news....

Development of the full game continues.  Another character has been completely voiced, and the background graphics are complete.  Character graphics are slowly getting finished.  Quite a bit of dialogue is already in the latest build and we're starting to add the actual puzzles.  Real-life pressures have been limiting the time we have been able to spend on the project but we're still making pretty decent progress.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

AGS Awards 2012 News

Captain Disaster in Death Has A Million Stomping Boots DEMO has been nominated for BEST DEMO in the AGS Awards 2012!

(I was also pleased to see another game I've worked on, Unga Needs Mumba, nominated for BEST PUZZLES.  Congratulations to my occasional partner in crime Tino Bensing!)

Full Nominees List

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Updated download stats

From AGS727
From Softpedia140
From ModDB64
From GameFront18

Total: 949

Edging ever closer to a thousand downloads!

(I know there are more download sites out there but I don't have time to track down each and every one of them... I've been following these four download locations for a while now and will continue to do so, if another site seems to be important I'll start following their stats too.)

Sunday 10 February 2013

More Feedback

From the AGS Games Page:

"I enjoyed this demo. The graphics and animation are sharp enough to provide the required environment, the puzzles are very well crafted. The voice and sound add an excellent touch to the project.

One essential criterion that I use in assessing a game is the plot, how it's developed and executed, and how the puzzles contribute. This being a demo with only one main objective, it's too early to tell how this will pan out.

However, I would be optimistic considering the effort and success of this achievment. Best wishes to those involved and I'm looking forward to the completed project."

Friday 8 February 2013

Most recent comment about the Captain Disaster demo...

"Finished the demo. Thank you for the hints. 

Great game in many ways. Wonder what you were drinking when you concocted those puzzles :)"


CDiTAHIMG featured on AdventureGamers

Captain Disaster in There's a Hole in my Galaxy has been featured in an article on upcoming (as in "coming sometime!") indie adventure games.  (Another game I'm heavily involved with, The Journey of Iesir, is also there.)  The article, by Adventure Gamers' Chief Editor Jack Allin, can be found here.  Nice to know the game is being looked forward to by at least some!  (Although we're working mainly on Captain Disaster in Death Has a Million Stomping Boots for the foreseeable future.)