Friday 7 September 2012

CD demo review on DIYGamer

A nice review of the demo for Captain Disaster in Death Has a Million Stomping Boots has appeared on

Some quotes from the review (well, preview, but it's the same thing really!):

"Captain Disaster in Death Has a Million Stomping Boots  is a great example of an AGS produced adventure game with a great sense of humor."

"As a fully-voiced, well animated game, you can tell a lot of effort has been put into the production of Captain Disaster."

"The demo for Captain Disaster in Death Has a Million Stomping Boots is a simple and short experience lasting roughly forty five minutes, it is ridiculously funny and filled with inside jokes to the science fiction genre."

"The puzzles weren’t too difficult, except for one that  made me  end up looking for the solution  on the Adventure Game Studioforums."

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